Big Deals! I will professionally master your song and make it radio ready

Big Deals! I will professionally master your song and make it radio ready - Mastering For only $80, Musicbylavish will professionally master your song and make it radio ready. | I will professionally master your track, making it commercially competitive and radio ready. With years of knowledge and education in audio engineering & music production, | Fiverr Price:$80

Big Deals! I will professionally master your song and make it radio ready

I will professionally master your track, making it commercially competitive and radio ready. With years of knowledge and education in audio engineering & music production, I will use my skills and advanced software to take your track to the next level. I will go over everything in your track - from frequencies & dynamics to stereo image and loudness. Your finished master will be delivered in one .wav file and one .mp3 file. Send me your track and let's get your music radio ready!

Tags : Big Deals! I will professionally master your song and make it radio ready