Hot Review! I will record a professional male british voice over

Hot Review! I will record a professional male british voice over - Voice Over For only $20, Rosshill3003 will record a professional male british voice over. | Do you need a voiceover for your video?As an experienced British voiceover artist with an industry leading recording studio, I have been the voice of | Fiverr Price:$20

Hot Review! I will record a professional male british voice over

Do you need a voiceover for your video?

As an experienced British voiceover artist with an industry leading recording studio, I have been the voice of Spotify, McDonalds, Renault, Sky TV, Mercedes, MINI, and many more.

My natural British voice is perfect for product videos, corporate explainer videos, commercial adverts, radio, YouTube, or even podcasts & animations.

Over 3000+ voiceovers completed in the last year alone.

"First voiceover request from us, even better than expected."

"Awesome seller! Could not thank you enough, this saved my project! Cheers!" 

"Really brilliant delivery time and nailed every aspect, thank you." 




Years of professional experience & 100% positive feedback.

Super fast delivery available upon request. Get in touch now and let's get started.

Available for rush jobs on request - just message me.

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