Top 10! I will record a professional english south african male voice over

Top 10! I will record a professional english south african male voice over - Voice Over For only $15, Chrischinkhunth will record a professional english south african male voice over. | I would love to be your voice!I am a full time voice over artist working out of sunny Johannesburg, South Africa. I have worked with | Fiverr Price:$25

Top 10! I will record a professional english south african male voice over

I would love to be your voice!

I am a full time voice over artist working out of sunny Johannesburg, South Africa. I have worked with many brands over the past 5 years bringing their products and services to life with my unique voice. These includes voice overs for eLearning, IVR, Cooperate, Audiobooks, Radio, and many more.

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So Drop me a message and lets make some magic!

Tags : Top 10! I will record a professional english south african male voice over